Our Blog

06 OctWithholding Tax Non Residents Of Canada

If you are selling your home, apartment, or any other asset, you are liable to Canadian withholding tax of Non-residents. Canada…

31 JulTax Season How Plan Ahead

While a lot of people wait until tax season comes around to get everything ready, we here at Wales Accounting

20 JulWhy Talk To Professional Accountant If Self Employed

Self-employment is an exciting venture to go on. After all, unlike other situations where you’re making decisions based on your boss, you…

29 JunShareholder Loan 101

When you are the owner or the manager of a corporation, it is incredibly important that you are aware of what shareholder…

21 JunCorporation Sole Proprietorship Partnership

When you own a business and tax season comes around, you want to be sure you’re getting your taxes filed properly (with…

25 MayQuestions Ask Before Hiring Professional Accountant Richmond Hill

If you need accounting assistance, chances are you’re in a situation where difficult financial processes are involved.…